Home of the RepRap Leeuwenhoek project - an open-source, compact, all-in-one 3D printer

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RepRap Leeuwenhoek
RepRap Leeuwenhoek 3D Printer
The lowdown:
A simple, compact 3D printer
Quick specs:
Build volume

Print speed

1,75mm filament
0,4mm nozzle
(more sizes available)
Low 0,32mm
Medium 0,25mm
High 0,1mm
Hardware & software are open-source and configurable (check out YouMagine) .

Cool features

All-in-one design
All-in-one design
The RepRap Leeuwenhoek is truly all-in one, with all the necessary components integrated in the design, even the power supply and filament. With everything where it's supposed to be, the machine just works.


It's portable
Because of its all-in-one functionality and lightweight & sturdy construction, it can easily be moved around from A to B. Useful when you have a project and need to print on the go.


It fits in your locker
This is why it was designed in the first place. Its compact size of 30*38*35cm allows it to easily fit in the TU Delft's lockers, so you always have access to a 3D printer at school. No more waiting lines.


It's simple and accessible
The Leeuwenhoek design is as simple and streamlined as possible. This makes it very easy to build, in as little as 4 hours! Because as many components as possible are accessible, it's always easy to upgrade or maintain.
Additionally, it comes with preconfigured settings so you can make amazing prints right off the bat!


It's free(open source)
But you still need to buy the parts. you can help me by getting them from my store :), but you have the freedom to get everything yourself and make it your own. You are also free to modify it to fit your needs, software and hardware-wise.

About Dymensional
Dymensional is a startup company in the Netherlands, founded by TU Delft student Daniel Aaron Bislip as a result of his 3D printing projects at the university.
Its main goal is to facilitate 3D printing and continue development of 3D printers (notably the Leeuwenhoek) with a 3D design and printing service.

Dymensional is registered in the Dutch Chamber of commerce under KVK: 62691058 and the Dutch tax agency under BTW: NL290789813B01

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Dymensional is a startup company based in the Netherlands.
KVK: 62691058 | BTW: NL290789813B01 | IBAN: NL66 INGB 0006 7880 56